We develop

Software Systems
that make your life easier

simple, no-nonsense & reliable

Excel Sheets Turn into Paper Chaos?

Are you struggling with outdated, complicated, rigid systems that are just plain frustrating?
Are you triple-entering information because different programs hardly communicate with each other?

Make Time for Things That Really Matter.

Delegate unnecessary, mindless, bureaucratic, tedious, and dull paperwork to a machine.

Let Software Work for You

Never again remind clients of appointments, or move data between systems by hand.

Tailored software reliably organizes your business.

Daily Revenue eport

Erhalte jeden Abend ein Mail mit Echtzeit-Daten zu Umsatz, Gewinn und Auslastung. So hast Du den Überblick und alle wichtigen Zahlen im Griff.

Triff fundierte, faktenorientierte Unternehmens-Entscheidungen.

200.000+ People and Tens of Millions of Euros

...are being managed by our systems.

Medical clinics, investment groups, financial controllers and more trust our security measures.

Because satisfied customers are the best praise.

β€ž My uncertainties: "Are there enough patients?" – "How much are we really earning?" – "How is the utilization?" etc., worried me for many years before this brilliant program existed. Now, since I get the revenue report every evening, my life has truly changed.

It makes my work so much easier. Every day I benefit from it. When I open the program I feel like I know what's going on. That gives me security. This is very important to me; something I never had before. β€œ

– Dr. Sabine Schwarz MD, Dermatology Center Vienna

Take a look at some of the projects we completed for our customers.

For (very)small to medium businesses

Because it's not just big companies that should profit from good software.

Do you employ between 0 and ~60 people?


We only work with solo entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized businesses (SMB).


Zero bureaucracy.

Clear communication.

And good software.

Find all answers to your questions about software development.

β€ž I'm super hyped about what you've developed. Definitely a cool result. The change management is running smoothly, and that's very hard to get right. β€œ
– Oliver Rolle, Easy Asset Management

Let's talk about your project

We're excited to meet you. Contact us – it's free, confidential and without commitment.

We'll get back to you within 48 hours.

Your trust is important to us - your information will of course remain confidential.

You can reach us via email: office@fxp.at